Supporters Against Bullying!

Special thanks to our supporters who have stood against anti-bullying. We CAN stop bullying by spreading kindness and joining hand by hand to stand against harassment.

Send us photos, artwork, questions, or concerns at

Can't Keep Calm: Digital Art

Background photo: Cry. N.d. Along for the Ride. Web. 21 May 2014.

Anti-Bullying Artwork

This week's featured artwork against anti-bullying was created by Miriam. Thank you for your support!

"Words Hurt."


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Anti-Bullying Quotes

It isn’t just the victim that is hurting:

I realized that bullying never has to do with you. It's the bully who's insecure.
Shay Mitchell

Society, in some ways, “supports” bullying, without even knowing it.

Most comedy is based on getting a laugh at somebody else's expense. And I find that that's just a form of bullying in a major way. So I want to be an example that you can be funny and be kind, and make people laugh without hurting somebody else's feelings.

Bullying hurts everyone:
Bullying is killing our kids. Being different is killing our kids and the kids who are bullying are dying inside. We have to save our kids whether they are bullied or they are bullying. They are all in pain.

Cyber Bullying is real, and it really hurts:

Unless and until our society recognizes cyber bullying for what it is, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue.

Bullying awareness is beginning to catch on:
I've been actually really very pleased to see how much awareness was raised around bullying, and how deeply it affects everyone. You know, you don't have to be the loser kid in high school to be bullied. Bullying and being picked on comes in so many different forms.

People talk about bullying, but you can be your own bully in some ways. You can be the person who is standing in the way of your success, and that was the case for me.

The big misunderstanding:

We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common - which is - we all want to be happy.

Bullying Epidemic:

Bullying is a national epidemic.

Celebrities are still bullied:

That is the biggest form of bullying ever, the paparazzi. Printing lies, making accusations, it's just bullying.

Want to share quotes, pictures, or stories? Email us at and you could be next week's featured artist! Need a hand or advice? Email us at the same address for anonymous aid.

More Quotes at:

Artwork Against Bullying

Here is some artwork about bullying created by Scouts.

By: EK

By: J, J, and C

By: Cat


 By: Sparrow

    Look at this photo, What do you see? Yes, a tree, sky, and a partial sunrise may all be in view but look closer. What could the meaning of such a photo be? Well, I'll tell you. What you're looking at is hope. Each and every morning the sun rises, starting the day with a new and hopeful outlook. The slate is wiped clean, with every new sunrise bringing hope. Hope is simply what brings people together; it makes us who we are.

    This photo symbolizes the endlessness of hope as well. Imagine this: The sun has risen in this very sky since the dawn of time itself. Possibilities to a simple solution are like a sun rise; your options are infinite. However, there comes a catch; only you have the ability to make a change, no one else can make it for you. Speak up, it's not a crime! By asking for help, you aren't being weak,  you're being strong. It may sound hard to believe, but it's true. You show the strength and will to fight for what people know is right, and you do this is a peaceful way. This reveals justice.

    Please, don't feel the need to act tough around others to show that you aren't weak, because you do the exact opposite. Asking for help shows you to be a stronger and better person then your tormentors could be, they are the ones who are afraid. It is up to you  to speak up for what's right when others cannot find the strength to do it for themselves. You don't need to fear, because help is near. It is up to you to follow through. Do what's best for you and the rest, because you are not alone.   

Self Bullying

By: G
Art by: G

Self bullying, A larger problem then expected

Bullying. A huge problem in today's society. When the word bullying comes to mind, most think of a smaller kid being shoved into a locker by a bigger kid. Sure, that's big problem as much as anything else, but a type of bullying always over looked, is self harm. 

Numerous people think, "You can just stop" or '"It's their own fault." Let me tell you this: it is never the persons own fault. We must think about what caused this to even start, and how could it have been prevented. 

Most of self bullying is being negative towards your own self, by putting yourself down with insults. For instance, thoughts like: "I'm stupid." "I'm fat" "I'm disgusting." Another form of self harm is more known and recognized, like cutting. Cutting is a form of release for most low self esteem self bullies.  Someone once said, "Words resonate and pulse in your head in a constant way that physical pain could never defeat, but the physical pain would distract  you from the mental pain temporarily" People, who physically harm themselves, will try to hide it. They won't willingly show it. This is because those who do know it, find it gross or unappealing. They become outcasts. 
"Most people around me didn't understand or thought it was disgusting or sacrilegious--the suicidal thoughts and self harm, I mean. So I wouldn't talk about it, and tried to pretend that it didn't exist within me, " stated an anonymous self bully.
Just one real example to prove how real self harm is. It needs to be dealt with in a more serious manor, but because some self harmers are so secretive and ashamed of what they do, you might never know they are having inner conflicts. And they might never be helped and a tragedy could happen. Suicide is a possibility unless we can help them. 
How do we stop this? We can stop it by bringing awareness, by making kids brave enough to share their feelings, and  by just trying to stop the popularity of many social media. I don't necessarily mean Facebook or Instagram. I mean the spreading of how being skinny or toned is what it takes to be beautiful. That is not okay. We need to tell children that beauty isn't looks its how you hold yourself and show it to the world. Just because ones self cannot see the beauty, does not mean another cannot. 

"I would see the older kids dressed in cool clothes, listening to cool music, rebelling against their parents and the rest of society, but they would cut themselves when they were frustrated," remarked an anonymous person, "I suppose in every type of clique there are people who don't deal with their   properly, but the point is that social media kind of made self harm a constant, available option, so it was always there in the back of my head."
Kids looking up to older people is a problem we will never be able to control. But we can control how our kids learn to deal with stress. That will help diminish less cause to cut or think negatively. 

Sometimes children with low self esteem just need someone to be there for them, they need positive feedback from family. 

"I think it was largely due to the people in my surrounding environment. They criticize rather than try to solve the problem, and they don't realize how much their petty words affect others" said an anonymous person.

The best key to helping someone with self harm is being there. Letting them have a vent source, so maybe the physical harm never has to come. Numerous people believe self harm is just to seek attention, it is not. It is the last resort, they think it might be the only think to help them, if they think anything can. A lot of people might even be searching for help, they just do not know how to ask, or express themselves. Making them loose more hope for themselves and falling farther into blaming themselves. 

"Actually, a lot of times before I hurt myself, I had tried to talked to someone about my problems but they would push me away, and so I'd go up to my room, turn the lights off, sit in a corner and burn or cut myself." admitted an anonymous self bully.

Maybe now the problem is sinking in; it is real and people need help. 

"Eventually I learned to keep it to myself, but it shouldn't be like that, people should know there are people with these problems that aren't just doing it for attention." one said. 

Anyone who needs assistance or help in venting should have it. No one should be afraid to ask for help. 

Self bullying is a larger problem than anyone would expect. It needs to be dealt with, not ignored. Lets bring awareness. Lets help people. Lets make it not such a big deal. 

If you need a sign, that someone cares about you, this is it. I believe in you. And many others do too, even if you cannot see it. 


Did You Know?

By: K

                  Did you know that all he big time stars were bullied? Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, and even some royalty. If you're getting bullied, you're not alone. At least all of us were bullied once in our life or will be bullied, but we did and will make it through alive. Chris Colfer once said, "There's nothing wrong with you. There is a lot wrong with the world you live in." which I think is pretty true. People made fun of Lady Gaga because she had a big nose. I want to ask people "Does it matter if she has a big nose? What does it have to do with you?" People sometimes bully to lift themselves up. But putting someone else as your stepping stone is never the answer. If you feel alone and are being bullied, just remember that there are people all around the world that feel the way that you do.